
Get ready for New Year's Eve in Nara.

Mission, New Year`s Eve (written 28 Dec 2013)

We`ve just got a couplle of days left to New Year's Eve. Today, I`ll let you know what happens in the season.


 A part from boxing fights (written 22 Dec), we have a series of things towards New Year.


1, intesive house cleaning (大掃除 ousoji),"Iguess you would have already hered this". Tradisionaly, people have to clean up what they own before New Year. However, my dad was a keen cleaning man. Every year when it comes to the season, he got me into "ousoji"to clean whatever at house.


2, the premier TV programs on New Year`s Eve, the men and the women singing competition on NHK is traditionally what they watch.


3, New Year's Eve Buckwheat noodles 年越しそば (toshikoshisoba), the people pray for longevity and health by eating long thin noodles for the coming year.

However, various types toshikoshisoba is sold at the supermarkets across the nation. You can cook a bowl of toshikoshisoba on your own, more over you are allowed to top your bowl of soba with whatever you like.

I actually recommend you tempra prawn and grilled mochi (rice cake)


4, New Year's Eve temple bell 除夜の鐘 (jyoyanokane), this is what you want to do at the night of 31st of December. The gigantic bell at a temple is rung for 108 times to celebrate the passing year and the coming year.


Here is the list of temples whare you can ring New Year's temple bell in Nara pref (referred My town Nara 21, Dec issue) 


 1, The Todaiji Temple 東大寺 address 406-1 Zoshi,Nara city 奈良市雑司町406-1. ph 0742-22-5511.


 2, The Kofukuji Temple 興福寺 address 48 Noborioji, Nara city 奈良市登大路町48. ph 0742-22-7755.


 3, The Yakushiji Temple 薬師寺 address 457 Nishinokyo, Nara city  奈良市西ノ       457. ph 0742-33-6001.


 4, The  Toshodaiji Temple 唐招提寺 address 13-46 Gojo, Nara city 奈良市五条町 13-46 ph 0742-33-7900.


 5, The Saidaiji Temple 西大寺 address 1-1-5 Saidaijishiba, Nara city 奈良市西大寺芝町1-1-5 ph 0742-45-4700.


6, The Hannyaji Temple 般若寺 address 221 Hannyaji, Nara city 奈良市般若寺町 221 ph 0742-22-6287.


7, The Obitokedera Temple 帯解寺 address 734 Imaichi, Nara city 奈良市今市町 734 ph 0742-61-3861.


8, The Ryozanji Temple 霊山寺 address 3879 Naka, Nara city 奈良市中町3879 ph 0742-45-0081.


9, The Shoryakuji Temple 正暦寺 address 157 Bodaizan, Nara city 奈良市菩提山町 157 ph 0742-62-9569.


10, The Ensoji Temple 円成寺 address 1273 Ninnikusen, Nara city 奈良市忍辱山町 1273 ph 0742-930353


11, The Chokyuji Temple 長弓寺 address 4442 Kami, Ikoma city 生駒市上町4442 ph 0743-78-3071


12, The Matsuodera Temple 松尾寺 address 683 Yamada, Yamatokoriyama 大和郡山市山田町 683 ph 0743-53-5023


13, The Shigisan Chogosonshiji Temple 信貴山 長護孫子寺 address Shigisan, Heguri, Ikoma gun 生駒郡平群町信貴山 ph 0745-72-2277


14, The Chogakuji Temple 長岳寺 address 508 Yanagimoto Tenri city 天理市柳本508 ph 0743-66-1051


15, The Abemonjyuin Temple 安倍文殊院 address Abeyama Sakurai city 桜井市阿部山 ph 0744-43-0002


16, The Muroji Temple 室生寺 address 78 Muro Uda city 宇陀市室生78                  ph 0745-93-2003


17, The okadera Temple 岡寺 address 806 Oka Asuka village Takaichi gun 高市郡明日香村岡 806 ph 0744-54-2007


Over all, You have to go to the temples (not the shrines) to ring the bell.

There is a log hanging down from the ceiling to ring the bell at a bell hall. Watch how they do to ring it and do it alike. The sound of rung bell is believed to cleans evil out of you.

However, each temple has their limitation and safety regulation to ring it.

And you must get there by 10 to 11pm to get lined up.



It's freezing cold at night of 31st of December. There fore, you can experience Japan's true tradition and culture. It's very special to hang out for listning to "jyoyanakane"to be rung.I just say to you guys to remember watching boxing bouts on TV (researched 22 Dec). Take it easy. 

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