Mission The
Shin-yakushiji Temple (researched 05 Mar 2014)
Even among the local people, The Shin-yakushiji
Temple is often confused with The Yakushiji Temple because The Shin-yakushiji
(新薬師寺) literally means the new yakushiji temple. However, the actual The
Shin-Yakushiji Temple doesn't mean that the temple is newer but the temple is
differently warshiped to The Yakushiji Temple.
However, I visited
The Shin-yakushiji Temple to research What's there. Today, I'll let you know
what I found at the temple through this report.
The first of all,
the temple was built in 747 to prey for the recoverly of the ill emperor Shomu.
The temple has been worshiped widely since then.
2, the main hall (本堂)buit in the 8th century (Nara period) this is what you pay for at the
themple.The national treasure building accommodates all those statures
which you want to watch. In the earlier days, the hall was a school for those
who worship the temple.
photos are permitted at the hall)
3, the seating stature of Yakushi Nyorai (薬師如来) the healing Buddha was made in the 8th century (Nara period). The
temple is dedicated for the stature. Now, the wooden stature is registered as a
national treasure.
4, the standing statures of Juni-Shinsho (十二神将) (8th century, national treasure) the clay made 12 statures are
generals of "yasha"(spirit of the Indian mythology). Those 12
statures are guarding Yakushi Nyorai and the people who worship the temple.
each stature represents one of 12 oriental zodiac signs . I suppose that it
will be a good fun to see which stature stands for your oriental zodiac. Ask
'em which is which.
5, the
pond is hidden next to the main hall.
6, stone
images of Buddha
7, the
campanile (the Kamakura period 10-11th century, Important Cultural Property)
8, the
South gate (the Kamakura period 10 11th century, ICP) functions as the main gate of the temple.
The Buddhist services (縁日法要) are held
every 8th of a month.
The Shunie festival (修二会) is held on the
8th Apr
The Shushoe festival (修正会) is held on the
8th Jan
Over all
Shin-yakushiji Temple is a hidden place, has a nice and peaceful atmosphere as
well as the greatest treasures such as those statures.
the temple is not very much accessible, difficult to find.
How to
get there
Getting there by city circular bus (out circular) from JR Nara
station and Kintetsu Nara station. Getting off a bus at the bus stop Wari ishi
(破石町),15min walk to the temple.
A small
free car park is located in front of the South gate as well as the reception
where you are allowed to pay admission.
¥600 per adult
A disabled person Can get it free with your
disability certificate.
Address 1352 Takabatake, Nara city 630-8301
for the intensive rehabilitation that I had in the previous weeks, I could
leave my wheel chair at the South gate to walk all the way with a good
assistance of my friend.
it is gravely and has a few steps (South gate, main hall).
Also, the
Western type toilet with hand rails is available, located behind the campanile. A good leaflet (has English
guidance) is given at the reception.
I advise
you to vist the Nara city photography-gallery
gallery is a modern designed building by Japan's master architect Kisho
Kurokawa, accommodates the works of Taikichi Irie.
How ever,
the contrast of modern architecture and ancient architecture of The
Shi-yakusiji Temple is very much worth visiting.
PH 0742-22-9811 FAX 0742-22-9722 URL http://www1.kcn.ne.jp/~naracmp/index.html (I'll let you know about the gallery on this blog very soon.)
(All the
photos were taken by C)
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