
How to grill mochi in style.

Mission, grilling mochi "rice cake" (researched 01 Jan 2014)


A Happy New Year!! Every one.!!


By the way, have you heard "mochi" before?


"mochi" is rice cake that is popularly eaten during "oshiogatsu" the initial 3 days of January in the nation.
             Now, mochi is individually packed to sell at grocers. 

Generally, mochi is grilled to be eaten. Today, I'll tell you how to grill mochi at home.


The first all, a wire grid (a metal mesh) is essential to grill mochi successfully also a gas cooker is another thing to grill it in style. 



1, preheat a metal mesh well.


2, adjust heat at the minimum.


3, put mochi on the metal mesh to heat one side for 3-4 minutes


4, heat one side to the other. Be better to turn it over very often in the grilling process.


5, generally, mochi pumps up by it self when it`s cooked.


6, remove it from the heat.


Over all

The grilling process takes 5-6minutes.

Some people dip grilled mochi into sugared soy sauce just after grilling. Then, wrap it with a nori seat (dry sea weed seat) to bite it.



My wife cooked some soba noodles for lunch. As a result, the soba was topped with my grilled mochi.



The slitly golden blown colour is what you aiming at grilling. Don't let the surface be burnt. 

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