
Get ready for a "nabe" party.

Mission, the 2013 2014 Japan's special beers for winter (researched 02 Nov 2013)


Are you dudes drinking?



Following the autumn, the major 4 beer breweries lined up their special beers for the coming winter.

1, Kirin - Fuyukirin "smooth, easy to drink"

2, Asahi - Fuyu-no-okurimono "brewed out of very selected ingredients. The flavor has kicks."

3, Suntory - Kuchidoke-no-fuyukomugi "the most unique beer out of these 4, has fruity flavor. I recommend you the beer as an aperitif."

4, Sapporo - Fuyu-monogatari "Sapporo is the founder of the special beers for winter. The beer has 26 years of history, the beer is brewed carefully, has rich, fully bodied flavor.


Over all

I tried Sapporo for the weekend, loved it.

How ever, the food that goes the best with beers in the winter is "oyster".

I know some people just can't eat 'em. The oysters are the best in the winter. The fully pumped, chunky oysters are highly nutritious, as well as taste gorgeous.

 I recommend you to try deep-fried oyster with a squeeze of lemon.

Once you bite it, you can't stop.



We have lots more great food in the winter such as oden, nabe and so on. In addition, Japan's premier drink "sake" gets in brewing  preparations in winter.

I actually plan to research the sake breweries in Nara city during the winter. We have heaps more to come. Stay in tuned.     



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