
Are you lost?

Mission, the written oracles at The Daianji Temple (researched 11 Oct 2013)


Written oracle=0mikuji おみくじ

Daruma=ダルマ 達磨


We researched the uniquely shaped written oracles at The Daianji Temple to introduce you Japan's "omikuji"culture.


 Today, I'll tell you a few things before you go for omikuji.

1, omikuji appears at the religious sites, regardless temples or shrines.

2, omikuji comes in variety of shapes and process. (ask'em befor you try)

3, you are allowed to knot your slip on a twig of surrounding trees or reserved area.

4, in general, omikuji expires in a year

5, you are also bring your slip back home (take it back on to any shrines or temples after a year.)

6, pray the gods or Buddha prior to draw omikuji.


However, omikuji is a way to communicate with what they worship, therefore, what it says is more to advice you how you go with your life. Don't take it too serious.


This is how it's written in a slip.

大吉 daikichi=great blessing

中吉 chukichi=middle blessing

小吉 shokichi=small blessing



半凶 hankyo=half curse

大凶 daikyo=great curse


As you can see a written fortune at The Daianji Temple is shaped "daruma". Daruma symbolizes patience and accomplishment.


Over all

The Daiaji Temple is not very friendly for the wheel chair users. The accessible slopes are old, beat up as well as too steep,dangerous to use.

The courtyard is fully gravelly. I was stragling in my wheel chair. In addition the monks are unhelpfull, they were just looking at me getting stuck. No priority toilet is available. Free car park is located nearby (2min walk). There is another entrance on the East side (a lot easier for wheel chair.)"a monk told us about it after all."



¥400 per person, ¥ 360 per person with disable certificate , you are allowed to have 2 assistants (¥360 per assistant).

Free to go in to the temple. They charge you to see the statues of Buddha.
¥300 for a daruma shaped omikuji


The Daianji Temple was built in the Asuka period (year 6??)

The temple accommodated monks from South East Asia to study.

Today, The Daianji Temple is known as an effecting temple for anti cancer.



As I expected, the temple was not well accessible. While it was a good fun to buy a daruma shaped omikuji. My daruma shaped omikuji turned out to be "chukichi"中吉. I take it for "every thing gonna be alright."



A written slip is hidden somewhere in a daruma. Better ask some one to translate ( a lot more things are written in a slip.) A good, tough assistant is needed to accompany with your wheelchair.

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